#!/usr/bin/perl # # Turn a wordlist into a CDB or SQLite database. # # This program takes as input a word list (a file of words separated by # newlines) and turns it into either a CDB or a SQLite database that can be # used by the krb5-strength plugin or heimdal-strength program to check # passwords against a password dictionary. It can also filter a word list in # various ways to create a new word list. ############################################################################## # Declarations and configuration ############################################################################## require 5.010; use autodie; use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename qw(basename); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); # The path to the cdb utility, used to create the final database. By default, # the user's PATH is searched for cdb. my $CDB = 'cdb'; # The SQL used to create the SQLite database. ## no critic (ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitImplicitNewlines) my $SQLITE_CREATE = q{ CREATE TABLE passwords ( password TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, drowssap TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL ) }; # The SQL used to insert passwords into the database. my $SQLITE_INSERT = q{ INSERT OR IGNORE INTO passwords (password, drowssap) values (?, ?) }; ## use critic ############################################################################## # Utility functions ############################################################################## # say with error checking and an explicit file handle. # # $fh - Output file handle # @args - Remaining arguments to print # # Returns: undef # Throws: Text exception on output failure sub say_fh { my ($fh, @args) = @_; say {$fh} @args or croak("say failed: $!"); return; } ############################################################################## # Database output ############################################################################## # Filter the given input file and write it to a CDB data file, and then use # cdb to turn that into a database. # # $in_fh - Input file handle for the source wordlist # $output - Name of the output CDB file # $filter - Reference to sub that returns true to keep a word, false otherwise # # Returns: undef # Throws: Text exception on output failure or pre-existing temporary file sub write_cdb { my ($in_fh, $output, $filter) = @_; # Check that the output CDB file doesn't exist. if (-e $output) { die "$0: output file $output already exists\n"; } # Create a temporary file to write the CDB input into. my $tmp = $output . '.data'; if (-e $tmp) { die "$0: temporary output file $tmp already exists\n"; } open(my $tmp_fh, '>', $tmp); # Walk through the input word list and write each word that passes the # filter to the output file handle as CDB data. while (defined(my $word = <$in_fh>)) { chomp($word); next if !$filter->($word); my $length = length($word); say_fh($tmp_fh, "+$length,1:$word->1"); } # Add a trailing newline, required by the CDB data format, and close. say_fh($tmp_fh, q{}); close($tmp_fh); # Run cdb to turn the result into a CDB database. Ignore duplicate keys. system($CDB, '-c', '-u', $output, $tmp) == 0 or die "$0: cdb -c failed\n"; # Remove the temporary file and return. unlink($tmp); return; } # Filter the given input file and write it to a newly-created SQLite database. # Requires the DBI and DBD::SQLite modules be installed. The database will # contain one table, passwords, with two columns, password and drowssap, which # store the word and the word reversed for each word that passes the filter. # # $in_fh - Input file handle for the source wordlist # $output - Name of the output SQLite database # $filter - Reference to sub that returns true to keep a word, false otherwise # # Returns: undef # Throws: Text exception on output failure, pre-existing output file, or # missing Perl modules sub write_sqlite { my ($in_fh, $output, $filter) = @_; # Check that the output SQLite file doesn't exist. if (-e $output) { die "$0: output file $output already exists\n"; } # Load the required modules. require DBI; require DBD::SQLite; # Open and create the database. my $options = { PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$output", q{}, q{}, $options); $dbh->do($SQLITE_CREATE); # Tune SQLite to improve the speed of bulk inserts. Use unsafe insert # processing and increase the index cache to 500MB. $dbh->do('PRAGMA synchronous = 0'); $dbh->do('PRAGMA cache_size = 500000'); # Start a transaction and prepare the insert statement for each word. $dbh->begin_work(); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($SQLITE_INSERT); # Walk through the input word list and add each word that passes the # filter to the database, both as-is and reversed. while (defined(my $word = <$in_fh>)) { chomp($word); next if !$filter->($word); my $reversed = reverse($word); $sth->execute($word, $reversed); } # Commit and close the database. $dbh->commit; $dbh->disconnect; return; } # Filter the given input file and write the results to a new wordlist. # # $in_fh - Input file handle for the source wordlist # $output - Output file name to which to write the resulting wordlist # $filter - Reference to sub that returns true to keep a word, false otherwise # # Returns: undef # Throws: Text exception on output failure sub write_wordlist { my ($in_fh, $output, $filter) = @_; open(my $out_fh, '>', $output); # Walk through the input word list and write each word that passes the # filter to the output file handle. while (defined(my $word = <$in_fh>)) { chomp($word); next if !$filter->($word); say_fh($out_fh, $word); } # All done. close($out_fh); return; } ############################################################################## # Filtering ############################################################################## # Given the parsed command-line options as a hash, construct a filter for the # word list and return it. The filter will, given a word, return true if the # word should be included in the dictionary and false otherwise. # # $config_ref - Hash of configuration options # ascii - Strip non-printable or non-ASCII words # exclude - Reference to array of regex patterns to exclude # min_length - Minimum word length # max_length - Maximum word length # # Returns: Filter function to check a word. sub build_filter { my ($config_ref) = @_; # Build a filter from our command-line parameters. This is an anonymous # sub that returns true to keep a word and false otherwise. my $filter = sub { my ($word) = @_; my $length = length($word); my $min_length = $config_ref->{'min-length'}; my $max_length = $config_ref->{'max-length'}; # Check length. return if (defined($min_length) && $length < $min_length); return if (defined($max_length) && $length > $max_length); # Check character classes. if ($config_ref->{ascii}) { return if $word =~ m{ [^[:ascii:]] }xms; return if $word =~ m{ [[:cntrl:]] }xms; } # Check regex exclusions. if ($config_ref->{exclude}) { for my $pattern (@{ $config_ref->{exclude} }) { return if $word =~ m{ $pattern }xms; } } # Word passes. Return success. return 1; }; return $filter; } ############################################################################## # Main routine ############################################################################## # Always flush output. STDOUT->autoflush; # Clean up the script name for error reporting. my $fullpath = $0; local $0 = basename($0); # Parse the argument list. my %config; my @options = ( 'ascii|a', 'cdb|c=s', 'max-length|L=i', 'min-length|l=i', 'manual|man|m', 'output|o=s', 'sqlite|s=s', 'exclude|x=s@', ); Getopt::Long::config('bundling', 'no_ignore_case'); GetOptions(\%config, @options); if ($config{manual}) { say_fh(\*STDOUT, 'Feeding myself to perldoc, please wait...'); exec('perldoc', '-t', $fullpath); } if (@ARGV != 1) { die "Usage: krb5-strength-wordlist \n"; } if ($config{cdb} && ($config{output} || $config{sqlite})) { die "$0: -c cannot be used with -o or -s\n"; } elsif ($config{output} && $config{sqlite}) { die "$0: -o cannot be used with -c or -s\n"; } my $input = $ARGV[0]; # Build the filter closure. my $filter = build_filter(\%config); # Process the input file into either wordlist output or a CDB file. open(my $in_fh, '<', $input); if ($config{output}) { write_wordlist($in_fh, $config{output}, $filter); } elsif ($config{cdb}) { write_cdb($in_fh, $config{cdb}, $filter); } elsif ($config{sqlite}) { write_sqlite($in_fh, $config{sqlite}, $filter); } close($in_fh); # All done. exit(0); __END__ ############################################################################## # Documentation ############################################################################## =for stopwords krb5-strength-wordlist krb5-strength cdb whitespace lookups lookup sublicense MERCHANTABILITY NONINFRINGEMENT krb5-strength --ascii Allbery regexes output-wordlist heimdal-strength SQLite output-wordlist output-sqlite DBI wordlist SPDX-License-Identifier MIT =head1 NAME krb5-strength-wordlist - Create a krb5-strength database from a word list =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<-am>] [B<-c> I] [B<-l> I] [B<-L> I] [B<-o> I] [B<-s> I] [B<-x> I ...] I =head1 DESCRIPTION B converts a word list (a file containing one word per line) into a database that can be used by the krb5-strength plugin or B command for checking passwords. Two database formats are supported, with different features. CDB is more space-efficient and possibly faster, but supports checking passwords only against exact matches or simple transformations (removing small numbers of leading and trailing characters). SQLite creates a much larger database, but supports rejecting any password within edit distance one of a word in the word list. CDB is a format invented by Dan Bernstein for fast, constant databases. The database is fixed during creation and cannot be changed without rebuilding it, and is optimized for very fast access. For cdb, the database generated by this program will have keys for each word in the word list and the constant C<1> as the value. SQLite stores the word list in a single table containing both each word and each word reversed. This allows the krb5-strength plugin or B command to reject passwords within edit distance one of any word in the word list. (Edit distance one means that the word list entry can be formed by changing a single character of the password, either by adding one character, removing one character, or changing one character to a different character.) However, the SQLite database will be much larger and lookups may be somewhat slower. B takes one argument, the input word list file. Use the B<-c> option to specify an output CDB file, B<-s> to specify an output SQLite file, or B<-o> to just filter the word list against the criteria given on the command line and generate a new word list. The input word list file does not have to be sorted. See the individual option descriptions for more information. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-a>, B<--ascii> Filter all words that contain non-ASCII characters or control characters from the resulting cdb file, leaving only words that consist solely of ASCII non-control characters. =item B<-c> I, B<--cdb>=I Create a CDB database in I. A temporary file named after I with C<.data> appended will be created in the same directory and used to stage the database contents. The actual CDB file will be built using the B command, which must be on the user's path. If either file already exists, B will abort with an error. This option cannot be used with B<-o> or B<-s>. =item B<-L> I, B<--max-length>=I Filter all words of length greater than I from the resulting cdb database. The length of each line (minus the separating newline) in the input word list will be checked against I and will be filtered out of the resulting database if it is shorter. Useful for generating password dictionaries from word lists that contain random noise that's highly unlikely to be used as a password. The default is to not filter out any words for maximum length. =item B<-l> I, B<--min-length>=I Filter all words of length less than I from the resulting cdb database. The length of each line (minus the separating newline) in the input word list will be checked against I and will be filtered out of the resulting database if it is shorter. Useful for generating password dictionaries where shorter passwords will be rejected by a generic length check and no dictionary lookup will be done for a transform of the password shorter than the specified minimum. The default is not to filter out any words for minimum length. =item B<-m>, B<--man>, B<--manual> Print out this documentation (which is done simply by feeding the script to C). =item B<-o> I, B<--output>=I Rather than creating a database, apply the filter rules given by the other command-line arguments and generate a new word list in the file name given by the I option. This can be used to reduce the size of a raw word list file (such as one taken from Internet sources) by removing the words that will be filtered out of the dictionary anyway, thus reducing the size of the source required to regenerate the dictionary. This option cannot be used with B<-c> or B<-s>. =item B<-s> I, B<--sqlite>=I Create a SQLite database in I. If this file already exists, B will abort with an error. The resulting SQLite database will have one table, C, with two columns, C and C. The first holds a word from the word list, and the second holds the same word reversed. Using this option requires the DBI and DBD::SQLite Perl modules be installed. This option cannot be used with B<-c> or B<-o>. =item B<-x> I, B<--exclude>=I Filter all words matching the regular expression I from the resulting cdb database. This regular expression will be matched against each line of the source word list after the trailing newline is removed. This option may be given repeatedly to add multiple exclusion regexes. =back =head1 AUTHOR Russ Allbery =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2016, 2020, 2023 Russ Allbery Copyright 2013-2014 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT =head1 SEE ALSO cdb(1), L, L The cdb file format is defined at L. The current version of this program is available from its web page at L as part of the krb5-strength package. =cut # Local Variables: # copyright-at-end-flag: t # End: